FIRST comes January,
The sun lies very low:
I see in the farmer's yard
The cattle feed on stro'.

Next is February,
So early in the spring:
The farmer ploughs the fallows,
The rooks their nest begins.
March it is the next month,
So cold and hard and drear:
Prepare we now for harvest,
By brewing of strong beer.
God grant that we who labour
May see the reaping come,
And drink and dance and welcome
The Happy Harvest Home.

The sun lies very low:
I see in the farmer's yard
The cattle feed on stro'.
Next is February,
So early in the spring:
The farmer ploughs the fallows,
The rooks their nest begins.
March it is the next month,
So cold and hard and drear:
Prepare we now for harvest,
By brewing of strong beer.
God grant that we who labour
May see the reaping come,
And drink and dance and welcome
The Happy Harvest Home.
Next the month is April,
When early in the morn
The cherry farmer soweth
To right and left the corn
In May I go a-walking
To hear the linnets sing,
The blackbird and the throstle
A-praising God the King.
Full early in the morning
Awakes the summer sun,
The month of June arriving,
The cold and night are done
The Cuckoo is a fine bird,
She whistles as she flies,
And as she whistles "Cuckoo"
The bluer grows the skies.
When early in the morn
The cherry farmer soweth
To right and left the corn
In May I go a-walking
The blackbird and the throstle
A-praising God the King.
Awakes the summer sun,
The month of June arriving,
The cold and night are done
She whistles as she flies,
And as she whistles "Cuckoo"
The bluer grows the skies.
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