Chapter Two
Well what did you think of Ivor the Engine, I was wondering if any of you ha

So where were we, oh yes singing the wheels on the bus with Tilly and Toby and both Candy and Sweetie hiding under the car blanket, cos the noise was so bad.
"Toby, how much further is it to Llangollen, it looks an awful long way in this map book?"
"That's because it is a big scale, that's all." Toby grinned. "We will only be about another ten minutes and then you will be able to see the town."
"Oh gosh, I am so excited. I love to see the old steam engines, all those puffs of steam going up into the clouds, oh it's beautiful Toby, really beautiful."
Tilly leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes to the beautiful scenery that they were diving through, she was soon dreaming of Ivor. Toby carefully steered the Land Rover, making sure not to go over any big bumps. On his left the trees were growing tall and he knew that it wouldn't be long till they hit the T junction.
And there it was right to go towards the Horseshoe Pass, and left to go into the town of Llangollen and the railway station. He indicated to go left, they would be going back over the Pass but not until they had seen Ivor the Engine.
They were going to be early and Toby was pleased because it meant they could eat their picnic that Tilly had put together and take Candy and Sweetie for a quick walk and a wee!
Tilly woke up just as Toby pulled into the layby by the park. Putting the leads on the dogs, then picking up the poop-per scooper and some paper they went through the gate and along the path were the bins were to dispose of any accidents.
Then when the dogs had enjoyed a small walk they went into the main park and sat a a table to have their picnic.
"Oh yummy," Toby said as Tilly started taking all good things out of the basket. Toby reached across and opened the flask. It all looked just right and would you believe it, Tilly had even made sure to add some spare chicken and good things, (chewy stuff) for the dogs. Their tails wagged like mad and candy even had the cheek to bark at a little Snoopy dog, left his own picnic and wanted some of his chicken.
Little divil. .
"Toby, how much further is it to Llangollen, it looks an awful long way in this map book?"
"That's because it is a big scale, that's all." Toby grinned. "We will only be about another ten minutes and then you will be able to see the town."
"Oh gosh, I am so excited. I love to see the old steam engines, all those puffs of steam going up into the clouds, oh it's beautiful Toby, really beautiful."
And there it was right to go towards the Horseshoe Pass, and left to go into the town of Llangollen and the railway station. He indicated to go left, they would be going back over the Pass but not until they had seen Ivor the Engine.
They were going to be early and Toby was pleased because it meant they could eat their picnic that Tilly had put together and take Candy and Sweetie for a quick walk and a wee!
Tilly woke up just as Toby pulled into the layby by the park. Putting the leads on the dogs, then picking up the poop-per scooper and some paper they went through the gate and along the path were the bins were to dispose of any accidents.
Then when the dogs had enjoyed a small walk they went into the main park and sat a a table to have their picnic.
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