Seligor's Castle. The home of Seligor, Diddilydeedot, Dodie, and Dr. Do-Diddily and the Dee-Dot's.

Seligor's Castle is where Seligor, Dr. Do-Diddily and the Dee-Dot's,
Diddilydeedot in Dreamland,
and Dodie's Dream World all work on their websites.
They are all within the children range, though Dodie's does have a lot more classical stuff on it and the little ones might find it a bit boring.
I have just opened a couple of wee nursery pages though just in case you have one on your knee, :)

Each site has it's own home page and index, and I have been very careful not to repeat to many rhymes etc, though Toby and Tilly are in both the Castle and Dreamland and now Diddilydeedot around the world. I have mad up most of the play lists from YouTube and google. But please always check these as sometimes you get the odd person who thinks its smart to change the content. I have looked through almost 7,000 videos on you tube alone, so you can imagine how many there are.
Many of the stories, myths tales, rhymes come from books well past their hundredth birthday. I have always collected old books and up until recently sold many on Amazon. But now I use all my spare time on the websites and blogging sites.
Then there are songs to sing, many, many new rhymes to learn and pass on to the future generations.
I have been on line over fours year now and also have my Zoomshare, Wordpress, Delicious, Twitter and Facebook. Best wishes xxx Seligor

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oh my goodness what will happen to Sits-by-the-door! would she die?

Oh my goodness what will happen to Sits-by-the-door! would she die?

English children all know the story of Una and the Lion. Red Indian children have a story very similar to it.
Here it is especially for you.

Once upthis is another little Indian child only she is standing not sitting.on a time there was a beautiful girl, who belonged to the Blackfoot tribe, called Sits-by-the-door. She was her parents darling, and she had many friends. Her heart was filled with gratitude to the Great Spirit for the beauty of the Earth and the love of her fellow people.

But one day the tribe moved camp. First went a party of warriors in single file, then came the women and children, and more warriors brought up the rear. Suddenly a party of Crow Indians sprang out in the middle of the line. They seized many of the women and the children, while there comrades shot down the first Blackfoot warriors who sprang to the rescue. They then made off swiftly with their captives, Sits-by-the-door was among them.

It was a long, painful journey to the Crow camp along the Yellowstone river, and at every step the prisoners thought of the terrors that lay ahead of them. When they arrived some were killed, while others were made slaves.

Sits-by-the-door was given to a very cruel man who ill used her terribly. Every night he tied her wrists and ankles together to make sure she couldn't escape. But his old wife was a good woman and she was good to the young girl whenever she got the chance. However the old man got fed up of Sits-by-the-door and told his wife that he was going to kill her when he returned from hunting.

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