Seligor's Castle. The home of Seligor, Diddilydeedot, Dodie, and Dr. Do-Diddily and the Dee-Dot's.

Seligor's Castle is where Seligor, Dr. Do-Diddily and the Dee-Dot's,
Diddilydeedot in Dreamland,
and Dodie's Dream World all work on their websites.
They are all within the children range, though Dodie's does have a lot more classical stuff on it and the little ones might find it a bit boring.
I have just opened a couple of wee nursery pages though just in case you have one on your knee, :)

Each site has it's own home page and index, and I have been very careful not to repeat to many rhymes etc, though Toby and Tilly are in both the Castle and Dreamland and now Diddilydeedot around the world. I have mad up most of the play lists from YouTube and google. But please always check these as sometimes you get the odd person who thinks its smart to change the content. I have looked through almost 7,000 videos on you tube alone, so you can imagine how many there are.
Many of the stories, myths tales, rhymes come from books well past their hundredth birthday. I have always collected old books and up until recently sold many on Amazon. But now I use all my spare time on the websites and blogging sites.
Then there are songs to sing, many, many new rhymes to learn and pass on to the future generations.
I have been on line over fours year now and also have my Zoomshare, Wordpress, Delicious, Twitter and Facebook. Best wishes xxx Seligor

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Goodbye to the Book of My Heart.... as spoken by Arthur Mee in 1923

"My Little Travellers"
a "Goodbye Letter" from the great

Arthur Mee. 1923©


Travellers through the world are we all, and you and I have been companions once again in this journey through the realms of knowledge.
Into the homes of millions of people this Book of my Heart has gone since it begin with a little child so long ago, and from a great multitude all over the Earth has come to me the love that is more precious than gold.. And now we come to the last page of all. It is the time to say Good-bye to this old friend, and to turn to something new.
Yet with a book, as with a friend, it is surely not the sadness of farewell, for the spirit of a book lives on forever. And for us this book actually does live on, in My Magazine each month and in the Children's Newspaper each week, for both have grown out of it.
Out of the first Children's Encyclopaedia grew the first Children's Newspaper, which goes to the ends of the Earth. I can never forget that citizen of a foreign land who on putting down his Children's Newspaper, said,
"You can't help loving that country after reading that paper."
So it is that this book goes on. It has been made out of the hearts of men and women and it grows into the hearts and lives of a great multitude. It carries through the world those things that do not die, those things without which life would not be worth while.
It will go on in your own life, as long as you see with these eyes and feel with these hands; and when these eyes no longer see, and these hands no longer feel, all that this book has meant to you will go on working in the lives of those who remember you. And after them, for ages after them, whatever is good in this book will live.
Shall we let its last word breathe the spirit that I like to feel is in it everywhere, the spirit of goodwill to all mankind,, and the faith that, whatever may betide us, nothing ill can happen to those who put their trust in God? He is our Refuge and our Strength, and underneath us are His Everlasting Arms.
And so, little travellers, Good-bye, and God be with us till our journey's end.
Arthur Mee.

Born in 1875, Arthur Mee died suddenly in May 1943, following an operation.

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