Seligor's Castle. The home of Seligor, Diddilydeedot, Dodie, and Dr. Do-Diddily and the Dee-Dot's.

Seligor's Castle is where Seligor, Dr. Do-Diddily and the Dee-Dot's,
Diddilydeedot in Dreamland,
and Dodie's Dream World all work on their websites.
They are all within the children range, though Dodie's does have a lot more classical stuff on it and the little ones might find it a bit boring.
I have just opened a couple of wee nursery pages though just in case you have one on your knee, :)

Each site has it's own home page and index, and I have been very careful not to repeat to many rhymes etc, though Toby and Tilly are in both the Castle and Dreamland and now Diddilydeedot around the world. I have mad up most of the play lists from YouTube and google. But please always check these as sometimes you get the odd person who thinks its smart to change the content. I have looked through almost 7,000 videos on you tube alone, so you can imagine how many there are.
Many of the stories, myths tales, rhymes come from books well past their hundredth birthday. I have always collected old books and up until recently sold many on Amazon. But now I use all my spare time on the websites and blogging sites.
Then there are songs to sing, many, many new rhymes to learn and pass on to the future generations.
I have been on line over fours year now and also have my Zoomshare, Wordpress, Delicious, Twitter and Facebook. Best wishes xxx Seligor

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dr Dodiddily and the Dee-Dot's : Blog

Dr Dodiddily and the Dee-Dot's : Blog: "The Legend of the Goldfinch, or how the Goldfinch got his colours.

Here is a Beautiful Sunday Story all the way from Poland

Little BirdThe Legend of the GoldfinchLittle Bird

When God the Father made our world and covered the ground with lovely carpets of flowers, and made trees to grow into the wonderful temples of forests. He wanted the temples to be filled with music, so He made the birds.

He made them big and small and gave them different shapes, and when they were all finished He told them to get into a long line so that they could be painted. So all the big birds stood first and all the little ones were at the end. Phew, it was such a long line. And there, among the small birds, was one that was very lively - we call him a Goldfinch today. He chirped and hopped and moved to and fro, and could not keep in the line. There was still such a long line of birds to be painted before his turn came.

'I must try my wings for a while; it is so tiring to stand and wait, ' thought the little bird; and he spread his wings When God made our world, He made it so Beautiful.and up he flew, up to the little clouds that looked so white and fluffy against the deep blue background of the sky.

He looked down; how beautiful the world was in its new, fresh loveliness! He flew from tree to tree and meadow to meadow and hill to hill, singing with joy and fluttering in the sunshine. He was so happy in this wonderful world. Suddenly he remembered his coat had not been painted and that he had been away for such a long time. He must hurry back. So he flew as fast as he could, and at last he could see the meadow where the long line of birds had been. But now there were no birds to be seen at all.

God had finished his work, and He had packed away his paints and brushes and So God took all the little bits of colour....was washing his hands. The little Goldfinch sat on a tree and sobbed. God heard him weeping and asked what was the matter. So the Goldfinch told how he had flown away to see the beautiful world, and how he was too late to have his coat painted.

'God saw that he was really sorry, so He said 'Come, and I will see what I can do.'

So, joyfully, the Goldfinch flew to Him. The colours had all been put away, but there were still many little bits of paint on the palette; so God took all the many little scraps and made of them the wonderful coat of many colours that the Goldfinch wears to this day...

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